Meet the Artist behind the Vision:

 Jack Dawkins is a rapper, father, storyteller, writer, and visionary. Born from rap’s birthplace, the native New Yorker now calls Denver his stomping ground and ultimate mission statement. Dawkins aims to cultivate the local hip-hop scene by championing his art in the Mile High City.

Dawkins has written, produced, and performed his own live shows since 2019. The pandemic abruptly stopped his performances, but his momentum and determination to share stories never waned. He shifted focus to rap, recontextualizing raconteuring for a new medium.

His new album, “Integration” takes listeners through his major epiphany. Ethereal voices call to him, guiding him through metamorphosis. By blending production elements of electronic, nature, and gospel with his master penmanship, Dawkins welcomes listeners into his mind and spiritual journey. Wearing his heart on his sleeve and presenting his true self resonated with listeners, earning him 17k total streams and opening for spoken-word sensation Hobo Johnson & The Lovemakers.

Dawkins’ genuine lyrics and mercurial beat selection redefine the “dad rap” label by keeping the wisdom and savvy compelling. He compiles the world knowledge of a sage, maintains his instinctual grasp for storytelling, and radiates the fresh aura of a musical prodigy coming into his own. He’s living proof the “midlife” connotation doesn’t always translate to frivolous sports car purchases or trophy arm candy; for Jack Dawkins, it means a creative renaissance.

Latest Release “Integration.” Now streaming! Follow the link to listen on your favorite platforms! Jack Dawkins Raps Everywhere.